
学术上的连续性 学术事务



在这一页, 我们编制了影响2023年秋季教学的新冠肺炎相关问题的具体常见问题解答. 有关2023年秋季学期学生和员工校园应对COVID的更多信息,请访问 校园 & COVID-19信息页面.


我们将继续监测校园和周边社区的病例状况,并根据需要更新政策或协议. 正如我们在大流行期间所做的那样, we will base these important decisions on local, 状态, and federal public health guidelines and recommendations.


Can I decide to change the modality of my class from in-person to virtual?

不,个别教师不能决定偏离课程表上公布的模式. Decisions to alter the modality of a class for which students have signed up (e.g., 将面对面的课程转换为同步远程教学只能由院长来完成, 教务长, 和总统, who make such decisions based on recommendations from county, 状态, 或者整个系统的领导者.

Are physical distancing mandates in place?

No, physical distancing in classrooms is no longer required. Local and 状态 agencies have lifted such restrictions.

What if I find out that I, or someone in my class, has been exposed to COVID-19?

It depends on whether the exposure occurred during “close contact,这被定义为在24小时内与处于感染期的人共用同一室内空气空间累计15分钟或更长时间. 有症状的确诊病例, 感染期为症状出现前2天至症状出现后5-10天,24小时后无发热. 无症状者, 感染期为出现症状前2天至首次检测呈阳性后5天. Since there are so many variables involved when someone is exposed to the virus (e.g.(无论是否接种疫苗),见 这个流程图 为指导.

根据州法律, 员工将继续被告知在工作场所与检测呈阳性的人密切接触, and test kits will be made available in these instances. 收到可能接触通知的个人应仔细阅读通知,并确保遵守说明和指导. 与COVID-19阳性但仍无症状的人接触的个人不需要隔离. 检测呈阳性的员工必须立即通知相应的管理员/MPP,并向风险管理部门备案 官方机密报告 教职员工. 风险管理提供 下一步的详细信息 for all employees who test positive for COVID-19.

What if a student in my in-person class has COVID-19? 那么我应该把我的课变成虚拟的吗?

萨克拉门托州 学生健康及辅导服务 performs a risk assessment whenever they find out a student has contracted the virus. In the unlikely event they deem it necessary for the modality of a class to change, 有人会告诉你的. There is no need for you as an instructor to make such a decision. 对于那些按照课程表上的内容来安排日程的学生来说,改变课程模式可能是混乱和困难的, so please keep things as normal as possible.

Free testing to students who are symptomatic will continue to be offered through 学生健康及辅导服务 (SHCS) at the WELL. 有症状或检测呈阳性的学生必须通过学校的 学生健康服务报告链接.


学生健康及辅导服务 personnel are trained medical providers, so they consider the same kinds of things any medical professional would assess, 比如暴露发生的地方, 持续了多久, 在什么情况下发生的, and what community health standards are in place to govern the situation. They are skilled at these kinds of risk assessments, which they conduct for other potential exposures such as meningitis or tuberculosis.

What happens if I’m vaccinated but I’ve been exposed to COVID-19, 我应该继续教我的课吗?

As 这个流程图 表明, 完全接种疫苗和无症状接触病毒的人不需要自我隔离,可以继续正常工作. 然而, please check with your medical provider 为指导 and follow-up.


关注大学 办公时间政策, 进一步考虑你的办公时间模式是否应该反映课程的模式. 这意味着如果你是面对面授课,你的办公时间也将是面对面的. Similarly, students in remote classes would be able to connect with you virtually. 你可以考虑为所有班级的学生提供面对面和虚拟的方式与你联系, 如果能让你和你的学生更舒服的话,你也可以考虑在室外举行面对面的办公时间.


没有要求在教师教学大纲中包括有关COVID-19政策的信息, 但你可能希望这样做. 您可以找到一个示例脚本,用于向学生传达您对COVID-19的期望 .



COVID-19 vaccines are highly recommended for all 囊状态 工作人员, 教师, 和学生, including students living in residence halls. 建议65岁及以上的个体以及中度或重度免疫功能低下者接种第二种二价增强剂. 找出可以接种疫苗的地方. 已经从大学获得宗教或医疗豁免的个人不需要重新申请. Individuals can update their COVID self-certification whenever their status changes.

全面接种疫苗/加强免疫接种仍然是避免COVID-19严重疾病的唯一最有效方法. 你可以访问 轮到我了,加州 or 萨克拉门托 County's Department of 健康 Services site to schedule a free vaccination near you. Information about booster eligibility can be found on the 疾病预防控制中心网站.

Student 健康 and 咨询 no longer provides vaccinations/boosters.

Will I know the vaccination status of the students in my classes?

No. 教师目前没有被告知其他必要的学生接种疫苗的情况, and we will follow the same process in this situation.

如果学生的COVID测试呈阳性, 学生健康中心将遵循与其他对公共健康构成重大风险的传染病(如.g., TB). A thorough risk assessment will be conducted, 和学生, 教师, and 工作人员 will be notified if there is a risk of exposure. If so, they will be provided with guidance on how to respond.

Can an instructor ask students about their vaccination or exemption status?

No, instructors cannot ask if students are vaccinated or have an exemption, 因为那是个人信息. They will submit that information to the University via their Student Center. 如果学生自愿透露自己的身份是可以的,但要求他们这样做可能会让他们感到有压力,不得不透露他们本来不会透露的信息. It is up to a student’s discretion to reveal medical information or religious beliefs. Even though most students on campus will be vaccinated, 为了整个校园的安全,最好假设你遇到的人没有接种疫苗.


What should a student do if they test positive for COVID-19?

所有教师, 工作人员, 和学生 must test if they are symptomatic, and all positive tests must continue to be reported to the University.

What happens when a student tests positive for COVID-19?

学生健康及辅导服务 will provide instructions to the student, 包括一项指示,在获得返回许可之前,不得亲自参加课程. The student will also be told to self-isolate. SHCS will notify the residence halls if the student lives on campus. If they live off-campus guidance will be provided to reduce exposure to others. 需要额外照顾的学生.g., medical, psychiatric, basic needs) will be told how to get it.

What if it’s me who tests positive for COVID-19?

COVID-19检测呈阳性的员工被要求通过填写以下表格通知风险管理部门 阳性病例报告表格. 然后,你应该继续与你的医疗保健提供者合作,以获得医疗支持,直到你获得返回校园的许可. 如果有必要的话, 你应该通知你的主管你需要请病假,就像你通常因其他疾病所做的那样. 如果你没有症状, you can retest five days after your positive test result, 如果测试结果是阴性的, 你可以回到校园.

What if a colleague tests positive for COVID-19?

Your colleague will notify Risk Management by filling out the 阳性病例报告 form, 风险管理和人力资源/OFA将根据情况共同努力,发出适当的通知.



如上所述, confirmed cases should isolate for five days, 在症状出现后的 整整10天内(如果没有症状,则检测呈阳性),在室内与他人接触时要戴口罩。.  然而, 如果在10天前结束隔离(不使用退烧药物而不发烧,症状正在改善), 确诊病例在两次连续阴性检测至少间隔一天后,可在10天内摘下口罩.

如果抗原检测结果呈阳性, 这个人可能仍然具有传染性, and should continue wearing a mask and wait at least one day before taking another test.

在确定与COVID-19患者密切接触后,暴露者应戴口罩10天, 尤其是高危接触者.​

All persons wearing masks should optimize mask fit and filtration, 最好通过使用呼吸器(N95), KN95, KF94)或医用口罩. 看到 充分利用遮罩 了解更多信息.


What if I have a question about my classes or students that hasn’t been addressed here?

You are welcome to pose academic questions to academicaffairs@seronite.com.

What if I have a question about something else related to the campus response to COVID-19?

You are welcome to pose non-academic questions to covidquestions@seronite.com.

Where can I go 了解更多信息 about the University response to COVID-19?

Here are some resources you can check out:

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